Hope Means Nevada

Season #1 Episode #18

While Hope Means Nevada is about raising awareness around mental health and teen suicide, we are also aware that COVID-19 has changed everyone’s life drastically. With these changes comes stress, anxiety, and the need for support. Hope Means Nevada's mission is to help provide access to mental health resources and a community of hope. This national pandemic has supercharged Hope Means Nevada's mission and their hope to help all. During this time, our focus is on the mental health of you, your family, and those you love. The coronavirus is uprooting life as we know it and putting unprecedented stress on us. Shelter-in-place mandates have isolated us from our community and friends − and has disrupted routines − and we’re already seeing it adversely affecting mental wellness. Now more than ever, we must reach out and support each other, especially those suffering from depression and other mental illnesses: NEVADA RECEIVES ‘F’ IN YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH The state of Nevada is graded an ‘F’ due to the high prevalence of youth with mental health illnesses and youth experiencing extreme depressive episodes. 75% OF ADULTS HAVE FELT ANXIOUS Pew Research Center reported that nearly 75% of U.S. adults say that they have felt nervous, anxious or on edge at least some or a little of the time when thinking about the coronavirus outbreak. 70% OF ADULTS HAVE EXPERIENCED STRESS Seventy percent of people are experiencing stress in direct relation to the coronavirus as compared to 61% during the 2009 recession. NEVADA RANKS 11TH IN SUICIDE In 2019, Nevada has the 11th highest rate of suicide in the nation and is double the national rate. [Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention] SUICIDE AFFECTS TEENS 12-19 YEARS OLD Suicide is the leading cause of death for Nevada youth ages 12−19. [Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention] 1 IN 3 TEENS HAVE CONSIDERED SUICIDE One in 3 teens (13−19) have considered taking their own life. COVID-19 has only made our message more critical. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 1-800-273-8255 (INGLÉS Y ESPAÑOL) CRISIS TEXT “HOME” TO 741741 NAMI HOTLINE 1-800-950-6264 www.hopemeansnevada.org #HopeMeansNevada #CompassionateLV #ASK5 Support this podcast