Compassionate Leadership in the AI-Driven Workplace: Future-Proofing Your Career through Connection with Cris Tietsort

Season #5

🎙️ In this thought-provoking podcast, Will Rucker dives into the world of compassion at work with the brilliant Cris Tietsort, Ph.D. As a renowned compassion-at-work researcher and expert on organizational thriving, Cris brings a unique perspective to the table.

🤝 Compassion: More Than Sympathy and Empathy Cris skillfully breaks down the concept of compassion as the powerful response to the pain and suffering of others. But it doesn't stop there! Compassion goes beyond mere sympathy and empathy – it's all about taking action to help alleviate that suffering. Get ready for a paradigm shift!

💼 Workplace Challenges: Breaking Down Barriers Recognizing and addressing pain and suffering in the workplace can be tough. Cris highlights the unfortunate reality that many people feel uncomfortable sharing their struggles. However, fear not! Cris unveils how compassionate leaders and organizations can create a safe and open environment where employees feel heard and supported.

💡 Key Takeaways for Compassionate Workplaces - Leaders: Be Open, Be Vulnerable Creating a culture of compassion starts with leaders who are open and vulnerable. Cris stresses the importance of fostering an inclusive environment where all employees feel the warmth of compassion. - Policies Supporting Employee Well-being Compassion isn't just a buzzword; it needs to be reflected in organizational policies.

Cris emphasizes that if an organization claims to be compassionate, it must genuinely support the well-being of all its people. - Individuals: Extend Compassion Building a compassionate workplace isn't solely on the shoulders of leaders. Individuals can make a tremendous difference by extending compassion to colleagues and leaders alike. It's all about connection and understanding!

Don't miss this eye-opening podcast on creating compassionate workplaces. If you're ready to transform your work environment, hit that play button now! 🎧🏢💖

#FutureOfWork #CompassionateLeadership #AIatWork


Episode Transcript: [0:53:11]: Chris Tietsort emphasizes the importance of creating rhythms and conversations in the workplace that convey to employees that their well-being matters more than just their work. By prioritizing well-being, organizations can foster a culture of compassion and create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their struggles and seeking support.

[0:53:44]: Chris Tietsort discusses the connection between employee well-being and organizational productivity. Research shows that when employees are not well, they are not able to perform at their best, which ultimately hurts the organization in the long term. By prioritizing compassion and well-being, organizations can create a positive work environment that benefits both employees and the organization as a whole.

[0:54:10]: Chris Tietsort provides practical steps for individuals to make their work environments more compassionate. He suggests extending compassion to leaders by recognizing their vulnerability and extending positive intent towards them. He also encourages individuals to build strong relationships with colleagues, seek to understand their perspectives, and create spaces for open and honest communication.

[0:55:13]: Chris Tietsort acknowledges the power dynamics that exist in the workplace and the challenges that leaders face in being vulnerable. He emphasizes the importance of extending compassion to leaders and creating moments and spaces where they feel safe to share their struggles. By creating a culture of compassion that includes leaders, organizations can foster a sense of connection and understanding.

[0:56:12]: Chris Tietsort highlights the role of individuals in shaping workplace culture. While individuals may not be able to change the entire culture, they can make small micro moves that contribute to a more compassionate environment. He suggests building relationships, inviting colleagues to social events, and being vulnerable to create connections and foster a sense of compassion.

[0:57:18]: Chris Tietsort acknowledges that advocating for change in the workplace can be risky, especially for marginalized individuals. He encourages individuals to voice their concerns and suggest policy changes that would benefit everyone. However, he also recognizes the need for top-down efforts to create a compassionate culture and not put the burden solely on individuals at the bottom.

[0:58:47]: Chris Tietsort emphasizes the importance of staying grounded in early experiences and remembering what it was like to be in a lower-level position. By empathizing with the experiences of others, leaders can create a safe space for their employees and foster a culture of compassion. He suggests framing conversations in a way that invites sincere sharing and extending positive intent towards leaders.

[1:00:33]: Chris Tietsort shares that he can be contacted through LinkedIn or his academic website for more information about his research and the topic of compassion in the workplace.

[1:01:21]: Will Rucker concludes the episode by thanking Chris Tietsort for his insights and highlighting the importance of living compassionately. He reminds listeners that their actions matter and encourages them to create a culture of compassion in their own lives and workplaces.